This summer, caravan with us as we travel from Pleasanton to the Arizona high desert to serve the Navajo Nation at a reservation near Four Corners, USA!

If you wish to donate, please choose the “Navajo Outreach” option

in the drop down menu in the link below

In order to join us on this outreach, there are requirements to fulfill. Carefully read all the information in the brochure. Notify the HSM Office of your intention to join us by no later than July 15th so your name can be listed as a prospective Outreach Team member. The completion of the outreach requirements will determine whether or not you will be invited to join this year’s team. Start praying & preparing TODAY!

Want to be a part of this outreach without coming along? Here are some ways to get involved!

  1. Join the 24-Hour Prayer Chain! (Let us know!

  2. Sponsor a team member! ($490/per)

  3. Donate towards a rental vehicle! ($1000/per)

  4. Donate towards building materials for Immanuel Mission! ($7000-$10,000/per trip)