AWANA CLUB MINISTRY includes scripture memorization, 
games, and group time purposed on encouraging children to:

ESTABLISH a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior & Lord.

DEVELOP a love and respect for God and His Word

UNDERSTAND how a personal relationship with Christ affects their everyday lives.

Registration for AWANA opens in August and closes in April.

We'd love for you to join us!


Meetings are from September through May of each club year. AWANA is a club that promotes discipleship and scripture memory in a fun environment. Clubs are held weekly.

Sign up through the link below.

For more details about the AWANA program, see the Awana Club Brochure.

For any questions, please email:


For ages 3 & 4

Each year of Cubbies will cover both Old Testament and New Testament Bible stories. Thirty-two lessons per year place special focus on what each Bible story teaches us about God's character.


K to 2nd Grade

Sparks curriculum is comprised of three handbooks. Each handbook builds a foundation of biblical wisdom through memory verse drills, crafts, activities and review of key doctrine and Bible facts.


3rd to 5th Grade

T&T answers questions about God and the Bible and guides kids through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ's grace. T&T lessons deepen a child's knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life.


6th to 8th Grade

Trek® is a year-long, 3 year study, middle school ministry curriculum with Biblically rich content and practical application for your students' lives.


9th to 12th Grade

Journey establishes high school students as lifelong disciples through a deep study of God's Word, mobilizing them to live with godly perspective and evident faith.


The safety of our youth is of the utmost importance to the staff and leaders of VBC. Because of this, VBC has developed a Child & Youth Protection Policy that all staff and ministries must adhere to.