Forensic Faith Pt. 3: The Two Ingredients to Gospel-sharing

On October19th, Valley Bible Church hosted former LAPD homicide detective J. Warner Wallace,  as he presented “Forensic Faith”- a reasoned approach to discussing the historical truths of the gospel. The following article is part of a series of reflections and applications of the contents of Wallace’s presentation.
For more resources visit the
“Cold Case Christianity” website.

The Odd Relationship between the Gospel and Your Life
There’s something strange in the New Testament writings. The authors tend to give not one, but a variety of reasons for why Christians should  behave in certain ways. Some examples:

  • To cause unbelievers to glorify God and to silence slander (1 Peter 2:12-15, 3:16)

  • To live in proper relationship to everyone (1 Peter 2:16-17)

  • To cooperate with our transformation into the likeness of His Son (1 Thess. 4:3-8)

  • To live quiet lives, drawing people to God through our way of life (1 Tim. 2:1-4)

  • To keep our prayer life free from debris (1 Peter 3:7

  • To maintain close fellowship with God and our Christian family (1 John 1:6-9)

  • As a response to the gifts we’ve already received and to imitate Jesus (Phillippians 2:1-5)

  • To exercise our new freedom from sin’s dominion over us (Romans 6:11-14)

  • To partner with God’s good desires in the world (Romans 12:1-2)

And one more...

Do you notice the theme of relationship, of self-giving, other-benefitting action? The reasons for why Christians ought to live like Christians have almost nothing to do with what most people think of when they hear the words “religious practices”. Something has changed inside each Christian: a new birth, a new creation, a new family, a new citizenship. This dramatic change produces attitudes and actions as a response rather than as a method. 

The center of the Christian experience is an unearned gift of God: the willing sacrifice of Jesus in our place. In other words, a work done for us, not by us. The “work” we do is “to believe in the one [God] has sent” (John 6:29); we respond in trust to what the Father has done through His beloved Son. 

The Good News We Share
Something truly newsworthy and unexpected has happened in history; at the cross of Christ, God dealt with sin and death, offering eternal life and adoption into God’s family to anyone who trusts in Jesus as God’s promised rescuer. That’s the truth we share...but it is adorned by lives of love and grace (Titus 2:9-10)

Marry Your Relationship to Gospel Truth-claims
As we are continually being transformed into the likeness of Jesus, the people in our lives - neighbors, friends, families, co-workers - need to see the reality of that change. As individuals and in community we show the truth, beauty and power of what God has done in Christ. Real lives transformed. In cooperation with the Spirit, the people of God overcome the effects and influence of evil and death in our own lives and relationships. We suffer for the sake of others. We grieve over death and injustice, but with hope. We live generously and hospitably in a world in which ends don’t always seem to meet. We tell the truth about Jesus, let the Spirit do his work (John 6:44), and make the gospel sparkle with the beauty of lives of love.

For Reflection:

  1. Is the difference between grace and human effort clear in your mind? Do you struggle with striving to be acceptable to God?

  2. Have you noticed the variety (and unity) of the reasons given in the New Testament for why we live distinctly different lives in Christ? Have you considered that as a discussion point for the uniqueness of the Gospel?

  3. Have you thought about your day to day routine actions in terms of “adorning” the surprising news of God’s rescuing agape love? Would people in your life describe the way you live as “beautiful”?

  4. Reflect on the startling “good news” of Jesus and think of one, small, concrete part of your life that God’s free gift of love can beautify so that your gospel sharing has visible evidence 

Nathan Baird