About Immanuel Mission
The Begayes
Hello to you all!!! We are the Begayes!!! Raefer and Natalie Begaye from Sweetwater Arizona on the navajo nation. We are a family of 8! We are missionaries in our own community. Immanuel Mission runs Pre-K to 8th grade in Sweetwater, Az. Majority of the students are Navajo. I, Raefer, am a PE teacher at Immanuel Mission school. I also am the maintenence guy for the school. We as a family go out and serve in the community, ranging from hard labor work for elders, mechanical or even parts repair, home repairs, and or even giving out fish that we've caught, and open gym, mostly basketball, Monday nights for the high school students and adults. Natalie was the school cook and now after having our sixth baby, she stays home with baby. She also takes care of the gifts for the students Christmas. Has been encouraging other ladies at Immanuel Mission, by doing lunch dates, or even tea visits. Jada, our oldest, just finished her second year of college. Our second oldest, Abigail, is working and doing online classes. She stays home with us. Jacoby, is a sophmore in highschool and will be a junior this coming fall. Peyton, she will be finishing her 8th grade year and will be a freshman in highschool next fall. Our little guy, Nathanael, is a first grader and will be a second grader in the fall. And our youngest, Natalia, is 8 months.