Lauren Wallace
Hi! I’m Lauren, I met Jesus as a high school kid at VBC and got involved in ministry (both as a leader at VBC and in Young Life) immediately after graduating. Currently, I get to serve as Young Life’s Western Europe Camp Manager helping to create outreach camps for high school and middle school students. I’ve worked for Young Life for over 15 years, with nearly six of those years spent in Europe, and three years serving in camping operations. I’m so grateful the Lord has opened doors for me to serve with the team in Western Europe, I was made for this role; it combines my love of Jesus, kids and planning a good party! I’m so thankful to all of you at VBC for your prayers and support! If you’d like to learn more about what I am doing you can check out this website:
Or if you’d like to join my support team you can do so here:
Thank you!
Prayer Requests
May, 2024
Thank God for all of those who opened their homes and introduced me to their friends. It was so encouraging that you all would do that! I’ve been thanking God constantly, this has been one of the clearest ways I have seen the Lord’s faithfulness to journey with me in fundraising. Every open home and new introduction has been a reminder that God has this in his hands, I can trust He’s got it!
Would you pray and ask God to bring to mind a person who might be interested in what He is doing in Europe? And would you consider making that introduction? (That person has no obligation to give, I’m just asking for an introduction via text, email, a call, or a coffee)
Would you pray and ask that God would bless the finances of my donors? People who are generous with what they have are often generous when blessed with more…And if the Lord increases your finances or your heart for giving (or Europe!) would you prayerfully consider increasing your giving? Bold ask, but God is big :)
Pray for the summer camping season! Currently our staff are in trainings for their summer roles, asking kids and leaders to join them at camp, making arrangements and praying like crazy! Please join all of us in prayer that the Lord would draw kids to Himself this summer
I am in the ticket booking process which is making all of this feel really real! Please be praying for the kids and leaders who will be at camp. Pray that they would be open and responsive to the Good News!
July 5-13: Portugal (High School)
July 15-21: Belgium (High School)
July 28-Aug 2: All Western Europe Wyldlife in France (Middle School)
Aug 4-11: Spain (High School)
Aug 11-16: Netherlands/Luxembourg in Belgium (High School)
Fundraising Update
I’m currently 81% funded which is huge! And I’m only $2400 in monthly support away from being fully funded (if you’re ready to join my team you can do so here)! Through people opening their homes and introducing me to their friends I’ve gained 23 new monthly and annual supporters since my last update! Many of you were strangers and now you are prayer partners, team members, new friends. Wild. Seriously wild. And if you’re in COS and would like to hang out or hear more stories of how God is working, reach out! I’d love to buy you a coffee :)