Lajos & Evodia Budai
Budai Lajos and Evodia live in Oradea, Romania. Lajos is the pastor of the First Hungarian Baptist Church in Oradea Romania, a church of about 500 people, along with another pastor, Adrian Giorgiov. Currently Lajos has been asked to pastor a newly planted church near their home. In addition, Lajos and his wife provide outreach events to spread the gospel and they are involved in supporting the orphans in their community.
Lajos and his wife, Evodia, have been married over 23 years. Both come from pastor’s families and early on felt God’s call in their life. They have recently adopted a little girl and now have 5 children and are dedicated to building God’s Kingdom with their large family. Lajos was the president of the Hungarian Baptist Youth Convention and has been teaching in Bible Schools. He has been in the leadership of the Convention of Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania since 1996. He has been the vice president for mission in the Convention from 2015.