"And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20


The goal of missions at Valley Bible Church is our response to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20, to reach people across all barriers (cultural, geographic, historic, linguistic, economic, or religious) for the purpose of offering them the Good News of salvation and establishing communities of believers for the glory of God.

The New Testament model for missions is the establishment of local churches throughout the world — led and enabled by the Spirit of God. "The world" in this context means anywhere on planet Earth; be it across the street, the state, or the seas.  

Local churches are worshiping outposts of the Kingdom of God that reflect the life, values, priorities, ethics, and character of that Kingdom. Therefore, any kind of missionary work must have in view the establishment and development of local churches that reflect within that culture the character of the King and the priorities, principles and practices of the Kingdom applied contextually. 

Over the years, VBC has commissioned missionaries from our church community, but we have also developed relationships with spiritual leaders and churches all over the world who we consider to be our Global Mission Partners or Contacts.  Partners are those who are aligned with us doctrinally and philosophically and have demonstrated a similar emphasis on evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.  Contacts are those who we have either partnered with in some capacity in the past, or are investigating them as potential future mission partners. 

For an update on our Global Mission Partners and Contacts, click here


VBC has many opportunities available to serve in missions. Interested? See below and contact us!


For those who have their summers available, VBC has connections with ministries through our global mission partners and contacts around the world who offer opportunities to serve in a variety of settings from one to six weeks in a variety of settings.

Short Term

For those who have more extended time, VBC has connections with ministries through our global mission partners and contacts around the world who offer opportunities to serve in a variety of settings from from one to six months.

Long Term

For those who are considering serving in missions on a long-term basis, VBC is always excited about discussing this option, praying about possibilities, and assisting an individual, couple, or family in preparing for this important role of in advancing the gospel to the ends of the Earth.

Note: It is not assumed that persons commissioned to serve in missions will perform in this capacity indefinitely. Assessment, evaluation, and ongoing accountability will be maintained by the Missions Board and VBC elders.


Partnering VBC Small Groups with our Global Missions Partners.

Beginning in the Fall 2019, we are launching a program to connect our VBC small groups with our global missions partners. Small groups have already been assigned to each of our missions partners. This primarily to build relationship, send encouragement, and offer regular prayer support, as well as updating them on what is happening within the VBC church family.

For more information, contact missions@vbc.online


Why Do We Have a Missions Policy? Read Our Missions Policy Here

  • To identify our response to Jesus' global mandate to make disciples of all nations.

  • To explain the biblical basis for decisions and direction by the VBC elders and Missions Board.

  • To establish guidelines to protect and provide for the optimal outcome in our missions investment.

  • To ensure important decisions are made responsibly, consistently, and effectively.

  • To glorify Jesus, build His Kingdom, and prepare for His return.

How does VBC prioritize its Missionary effort?

To maximize our impact in missions with the resources the Lord provides, it's necessary to prioritize our efforts by:

  • Focusing on individuals and ministries which make evangelism, discipleship, and church planting their priorities.   

  • Giving attention to areas of greatest need (unreached people groups), or where it's evident the Spirit of God is directing us (i.e., disasters, emergencies, urgent needs).

  • Supporting the ministry of nationals working within their culture or a closely-related culture, or to US missionaries who are committed to evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in international communities abroad. It's not our intent that US missionaries serving internationally should have a continuing dominant role inhibiting the development of national leadership within the church.

  • Continually and prayerfully examining and establishing these priorities.

VBC Missions Board Directors: Steve and Kim Chew (missions@vbc.online)